Fun and Entertainment
Plain old family fun is what the Kutztown Folk Festival is all about!
Enjoy continuous entertainment on five stages every day, take part in an old-fashioned cake walk, take in some square dancing, catch a comedy show, or enjoy the sounds of our strolling Sauerkraut Band!
The Lester Miller Family Dancers: Four generations of hoedown dancers
Two 19th century "impromptu" brass bands
The Folk Festival Fourth of July parade
You can also watch an Amish wedding, learn more about early farming techniques, or take part in an actual country auction!
“Make sure to check out the Miller Family Hoedown Stage and watch the amazing Hoedown performance!”
Fascinating Folklore
For those who want to learn more about the ways of the Pennsylvania Dutch, the Kutztown Folk Festival offers seminars on dialect, traditions, and other areas of interest. To introduce visitors to Pennsylvania Dutch culture, the festival works closely with the Kutztown University Pennsylvania German Heritage Center, as well as educators from the university and the surrounding area, to offer a folklife program that’s fun for the whole family.
Our seminar stage, run by Dr. Bill Donner, is nonstop education at its most enjoyable. Talk to demonstrating craftsmen about the secrets of their trade, learn about the herbs that cure, and discover the food that you'll "eat till you ouch!" Sing along to old American songs in the Pennsylvania Dutch dialect and learn about Pennsylvania Dutch humor, customs, and traditions.
Anything You Can Think Of
Learn about hex signs and what they mean. Find out who the Belshnickel is, and why children love him and are scared of him at the same time. Find out who the Amish are, and how they are different from the Mennonites. Who are the "gay Dutch”? Find out about covered bridges, bank barns, farming methods, cooking secrets, burial customs, and anything else you can think of!